Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Bryan Graf

Bryan Graf is a New Jersey based photographer, his images have this painting quality in them, and interesting aesthetics, even if it utilizes low quality camera (see in the work "Interstate").
For me the the painting quality in a picture lies in taking care of every detail and not leaving it alone, just like a painter won't choose a color for now reason a photographer doesn't leave anything in the frame for chance.


While in Bariloche I met this young sweet kids, they where giving away hand made bracelets and all sort of rocks they  decorated, or found.
For all I know it's not some tradition, and some how this gesture caught my attention, I guess I found something in me that reflected in their gesturethat was very simple and true for me,
they were just out of their house which is far from the center of the city ( not that Bariloche is a large city) giving hand made
braclets and stones, talking with them in spanish that i learned on the trip allso added to this feeling of another world.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Camera Phone

We take it every where and it gives us the ability of making pictures anywhere, of course that was also true to the film camera era but now you take it literally every where. We used to take up a camera upon some sort of special event, graduation, birthday, wedding, accidents etc... now one has his phone+camera every day. A friend showed me a sunset picture he made with his phone while at work, he is not a photographer or in the hobby and probably this occasion wouldn't get it's "photographic state" if it hadn't been for his camera phone. This makes this documenting format interesting to me, people make pictures (with all sorts of pic quality) of their environment , of things they wouldn't pick up a camera for few years ago. This causes people to constantly define (knowingly or not) their connection to their environment with their photographs.
The camera depicts mechanically and precisely, people usually make picture upon their impression of things and this impression will inevitably change, not so for the picture, sooner or later people are going to notice details that escaped their sight/consciousness each discovery like this will teach them how to see differently.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Thursday, April 16, 2009

James Day

James did make my day... try and check if he will
do the same to your day.
I am still hooked to his Falling fruit project, amazing.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

David Meskhi

I like earth when it seems to be light. At that moment, I'm cut off from everything but when the sun comes up this sensation disappears.
I need to concentrate my energy and reach a state of meditation in order to take "my picture."

David Meskhi

Seized by a day


Ami Nevo: graphic designer recently graduated from shenkar school of design. also involved in art and photography.


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