Saturday, March 28, 2009

Guy Bourdin

גיא בורדין מצלם או יותר נכון צילם בעבר (נפטר ב1961) וגם עשה סרטים, עסק בעיקר בצילום אופנה.
יש בעבודות שלו המון מיניות עם רמיזות חכמות חכמות שקצת מזכירות את העבודות של אנטוני קורביין
(הבמאי בהרבה מן הקליפים של דפש מוד) מעין סטייל שנות השמונים שכזה במובן הטוב של המילה
סוג של קור וריקבון כזה, אני לא ממש בטוח בהגרדרה אבל זה נשמע לי הגיוני.



Friday, March 27, 2009

I really Do not know anything about reality, I simply know what impressions I have on reality and this impressions are always changing just as the appearances of reality is always changing.

Gerhard Richter

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Great Little Things


Lately photography is dealing with how we see (literally), since a camera is (in our perception) depicting reality, photography
can deal with how we see things by creating images that we know some percent of it came from our reality (do I make any sense?)
Adrien Missika's also deals with the subject, i really liked his Postcards in which he manages to give an interesting view to the
post card format.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


It feels as if I got to explain all of this or give a proper head line, doing this
to my opinion ruins the "sketchy" feel, here you can see all that goes in front
of my eyes/mind

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A Work that deals with the current situation

The challenges the stand infront of you when you are a graphic designer or an artist are some times not clear.
In this case it is clear that Gilad Shalit is being repeatedly shown to us on the news and on the billboards and signs all around Israel, and with the need to raise the awareness
there is a big threat that we loose our sensitivity to the subject we are dealing in.
Eyal Baumert is a friend from school and his work I think manages to deal with this issue and also reminding us what stands behind it.

עבודה מצוינת של אייל באומרט העוסקת בנושא כה שחוק ובכל זאת אייל מצליח לשבור איזה פלטת ברזל או שתיים
שהיו שם ושמרו על הלב שלנו אדיש, זה בדיוק האתגר שבתקשורת חזותית לא לשחוק אלא כל פעם להציג את הבעיה
בצורה חדשה ובאופן שלא ראינו אף פעם כך שלא נהיה אדישים.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Chris Marker / La Jetee (28min)


After seeing La Jetee it is impossible to be untouched by the atmosphere that is created in this short film by Chris marker.
Chris manages to create a futuristic feel in La jetee in a very cleaver way.
Films that we are used to with plot that happens in the future usually evolve allot of special effects, in this short film Chris does it with a minimum number of affects and photo montages. This representation of the future by Chris is interesting because it make us deal more in the plot and the characters themselves rather then how did someone made a spaceship shoot laser that looks so real.
since when real is a value in art?


Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Red eye reduction enabled


Monday, March 2, 2009


I used to carry a sketch book here and there, and in it I pour in in it wondering thought's whenever it came around.

These pictures are somewhat the same wondering thoughts but in a "facty" kind of way, they posses a sense of time and place,

but yet they got that same gloom character of a small story or idea (I think).


Ami Nevo: graphic designer recently graduated from shenkar school of design. also involved in art and photography.


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